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Nau mai ki Te Hahautanga o te Waka

Welcome to our Te Arawa Vision Journey

I tīmata mai a Te Arawa 2050 i te kore rā anō kia kitea pēhea te āhua o te anga whakamua o Te Arawa kei tua o te awe māpara i roto noa iho i te tau kotahi mā roto i te āta uiui i ngā uri e mōhiohia ai ngā moemoeā me ngā manako o te iwi whānui.

Te Arawa 2050 started with a blank canvas and to find out how Te Arawa envisaged its future to be, over the space of a year, we undertook a range of activities ito collate and anaylse the moemoeā and aspirations of Te Arawa whānui. 

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Waka hourua on the horizon_edited.jpg

Tō mātau whakapapa

Our history

I te tau 2019, i muri i tonu mai i tā te iwi tono atu kia whakaarohia ake tētehi matakitenga hou i runga i te whakaaro kotahi o te iwi whānui o Te Arawa, nā ētahi kāhui whakatau e whakakanohi nei i ngā rōpū whakahaere 16 o Te Arawa i whakatū tētehi rōpū whakahaere ki te whanake i taua matakitenga rā. ​Anei ngā ingoa o ngā kāhui whakatau: 

Te Pūkenga Koeke o Te Arawa

Te Pūkenga Rangatahi o Te Arawa

Te Arawa Taiohi Toa

Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa

Te Arawa Whānau Ora

Te Arawa Primary Sector INC.

Te Arawa FOMA

Te Arawa Lakes Trust

Te Arawa Group Holdings

Te Roopū Hauora o Te Arawa

Te Arawa Fisheries

Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa

Maatua Whāngai

Te Arawa River Iwi Trust

Te Arawa Management LTD

Te Tatau o Te Arawa

In 2019, following a call from the people for a new, united, whole of Te Arawa vision, a collective made up of key decision makers representing 16 Te Arawa mandated organisations came together to form a rōpū whakahaere to develop one. They are: 

Te Pūkenga Koeke o Te Arawa

Te Pūkenga Rangatahi o Te Arawa

Te Arawa Taiohi Toa

Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa

Te Arawa Whānau Ora

Te Arawa Primary Sector INC.

Te Arawa FOMA

Te Arawa Lakes Trust

Te Arawa Group Holdings

Te Roopū Hauora o Te Arawa

Te Arawa Fisheries

Te Papa Tākaro o Te Arawa

Maatua Whāngai

Te Arawa River Iwi Trust

Te Arawa Management LTD

Te Tatau o Te Arawa

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Te Matakitenga a Te Arawa 

Te Arawa 2050 Vision

Pēhia tētehi o ngā pātene ō runga ki te pānui i Te Matakitenga a Te Arawa.

Click one of the two buttons above to read the Te Arawa 2050 Vision. 

For best use install and/ or update Adobe Acrobat Reader and Flash Player to listen to the audio and videos embedded in the PDF files. For some devices, the audio player embedded in the documents may require you to right-click the three verticle dots on the right-hand side of the audio player to open files.


Whakarewatanga Matakitenga a Te Arawa

Anei ngā whakaahua mai te whakarewatanga o Te Matakitenga a Te Arawa i haere ake ki Te Puia i te Rātapu, 19 o Hōngongoi, 2020. 


Check out the photos from the formal launch of the Te Arawa Vision document which was held at Te Puia in Rotorua on Sunday, 19 July 2020.

Nā Janelle Marsters Photography ngā whakaahua

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Whakapā Mai | Get in touch

E kimi mōhiohio ana koe mō Te Matakitenga a Te Arawa, he pātai rānei wāu? Kōrero mai.

If you're after more information about the Te Arawa Vision or if you have a pātai? Kōrero mai. 


Waea: 07 282 2383 me tuku īmēra rānei ki

Phone: 07 282 2383 or email

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    ©2023 Te Matakitenga a Te Arawa. Nā i waihangahia.

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